The website is owned by FIMARGE SOCIETAT FINANCERA D’INVERSIÓ S.A. with registered office at 10 Bonaventura Armengol Street, Montclar Building Bloc 1, 5th floor, in Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra, registration number 908802-N, tax identification number A-700866-T and an email address
The purpose of our website is to provide information relating to the services and activities we offered and any information of interest thereof to current and potential clients as well as website visitors.
With this website,, we aim to provide a useful service, so we always welcome user’s suggestions. However, in the event that the user does not agree with any of the terms contained in this notice, he/she shall refrain from continue browsing and stop using the website. The access to the website implies the acceptance of the terms without reservation.
The following terms regulate the allowed use of our website
The access is public and free of charge, except the internet connection charge paid by the user to the relevant telecommunications network. In any case, there are parts of the website whose access are reserved exclusively for registered clients, through log-in credentials. Unregistered user should never attempt to access restricted sections unless he/she has been provided a log-in credentials.
The username and password of the log-in credentials are personal and non-transferable.
We reserve the right to make, at any time, and without the need of prior notice modifications, updates, configuration and presentation as well as the terms of access of the website.
The information contained in this website is merely informative, and under no circumstances constitutes legal advice. Our policy is to keep the contents and links permanently updated; however, it could happen that they are not updated temporarily. The purpose of the links on our website is to inform exclusively users about the existence of other sources of information on the internet related to the subject in which users can expand or complete the information offered on our website. In no case, we will be responsible for the result obtained through these links.
Although we regularly monitor the links, we ask the user to inform us if he/she considers the content or services provided by the linked pages are illegal, violate constitutional values or rights, damage property or rights of the user or a third party; particularly, if the links host activities or services that may be considered criminal under the Andorran Penal Code; the contents of the links violate intellectual or industrial property rights; the activities or contents of the links that endanger public order, criminal investigations, public safety and national defense as well as the endangerment of the protection of public health, respect for the human dignity, principle of non-discrimination, child protection or any other constitutional value or right.
The personal data of users provided to our website is protected with the provisions of the Data protection law 29/2021 of October 28th, on the Protection of Personal Data.
We will process the personal data of users collected through our website in accordance with current legislation at all times.
Likewise, users are aware that we can use their data for the following purposes:
- Mailing aboutinformation related to our services or other information that we consider will be of interestto you.
- Profiling,analyzing new proposals and assessing risks.
Unless users indicate otherwise, we consider that users consent the use of their personal data for the aforementioned purposes. At any time, users can oppose the use of their personal data by communicating it to us.
In accordance with the aforementioned Personal Data Protection law, clients can exercise their rights to access, oppose, rectify and erasure of their personal data by simply send a request to, the Data Protection Officer.
We owned exclusively the intellectual property rights of articles published on our website.
We will not be, in any case, responsible for damages and/or losses of any kind derived, directly or indirectly, from the failure to read this notice, or from the breach of the obligations specified in the terms established therein.
Likewise, in accordance with the terms of use, we decline any responsibility for damages of any kind beyond our effective control, which may be due to or arise from the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtention or access to our website or its contents.
The articles, opinions and information contained in our website do not constitute recommendation or financial advice.
This Legal Notice is governed in each of its points by Andorran law.