L'objectiu de la SICAV és generar un creixement de capital a llarg termini invertint fins a un 50% en valors de renda variable internacional. S'inverteix la resta en actius de renda fixa i monetaris. Alba Sicav Global Dynamic pot invertir indirectament mitjançant altres UCITs, inclosos ETFs. La implementació de derivats financers respon únicament a una vocació de cobertura de riscos.
With nearly 60% of companies having reported earnings during the month and 85% beating earnings expectations, stocks once again hit record highs during the month of July despite a resurgence of COVID-19 cases. Inflation also continued to climb, but it haven’t caused the central banks to change course just yet: moving closer to tapering. Unlike previous quarters, Healthcare led all sectors to start 3Q21, while Financials and Energy closed the month down. It should be noted, though, that Energy stocks remain the market leaders on a YTD basis. as for the fixed income side, Treasury yields slumped to lows last seen in February. Such a sharp decline in yields would normally imply a downgrade to the growth outlook. However, we see the current level of yields as inconsistent given the strength of the recovery, at least in US. For the Euro area seems that interest rates will remain negative for a very long time, and fiscal policy instead of monetary policy should be put in place to break out of the low growth and infation environment.
prices updated on
Feb 9, 2025 1:00
Summary Sheet
Investment platformS
Andbank Andorra
Management style
Investment in traditional assets (up to 50% in equity)